We must adhere to the deadline date because of the number of units allowed and the limited time between the deadline date and the parade event. If we do not receive your entry by the deadline date there is a strong possibility that you may not be able to participate.
Email Completed Application Forms to:
or mail your application to:
3090 Glover Road
Fowlerville, MI 48836
Phone: 734 552 8911
Thank you for participating in this great event.
Fowlerville Christmas Parade
Rules and Regulations
The Parade committee reserves the right to reject any entry that is not in good taste, inappropriate, or not in the best interest of the parade.
Entries depicting a political organization, candidate or controversial issue will not be considered.
All units are required to maintain forward motion at all times. No maneuvers are allowed that slows the forward movement of the parade. This includes color guards, animal entries and cheer/pom teams. No drills!
All entries should be properly identified with signs or banners with the organization’s name so the spectators know who you are-however there may not be any banners hanging in the front of any vehicle. Please no sales messages-a holiday message is suggested.
Equestrian and animal units must provide their own clean-up personnel and equipment. Please make sure the horses have the proper shoes.
All parade participants are required to conduct themselves in such a manner as not to infringe on the rights of those people living in and along the staging areas and parade route. No solicitation is allowed during the event.
No Santa’s – we have invited the “real” Santa!
Safety Requirements
No objects including candy, flyers, or favors, may be thrown from the floats. However, you may have walkers along side to distribute these items at the curb. Michigan State Law prohibits throwing of items in a parade.
There will be no fueling of generators during the parade. Fuel cans (gasoline, fuel oil etc) are not allowed to be stored on the entry. They can be stored in the vehicle.
One current 5 lb. ABC Dry Chemicals extinguisher must be carried and accessible on each float. The gauge must be in the green area.
Alcohol beverages are not allowed in the staging area, during the parade or disbursement.
No smoking near or on entries.
Please place your generators in a well ventilated area on your entry.
Any violation of the rules or safety requirements could result in you not being able to participate in the parade.